Saturday 18 August 2012

Factoring Polynomials

In mathematics, any expressions which is join with constants, variables and exponent values is said to be polynomial expression. And also polynomial expression is join with together by mathematical operators like (+, -, *, /). Infinite values are not taken in case of polynomials expression. For example: 12xy2 – 4x + 7y3 – 20, this given equation is polynomial equation, in this equation exponents values are 0, 1, 2 and 3. Negative and fraction values are also taken in case of polynomial expression. It is not joined with together by division operator.
Let’s discuss that how to solve Factoring Polynomials. Here we will understand the quadratic to calculate polynomial expressions.
Let we have a polynomial expression 2p2 + 4p – 10, we can factorize this polynomial as shown below:
We will find its factor by quadratic formula. Formula to find factors is given by:
P = -b + √ (b2 - 4ac) / 2a, here value of 'a' is 2, value of 'b' is 4 and value of 'c' is -10. So put these values in formula. On putting these values we get:
P = - 4 + √ [(4)2 - 4(2) (-10)] / 2(2); on moving ahead we get,
P = - 4 + √ (16 + 80) / 4, we can also write it as,
P = - 4 + √ (96) / 4. So, here we get two factor of this expression, one positive and other negative.
P = -4 + √ 24 and P = -4 - √ 24.
These two are factors of above expression. With the help of quadratic formula formula we can find factors of any polynomial expression. (know more about Factoring Polynomials, here)
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