Saturday, 21 January 2012

Learn properties of 2-d and 3-d figures in mathematics

Friends,Previously we have discussed about rational numbers examples and today i am going to teach you the properties of 2-d, properties of 3-d which are the most interesting and unique topics of mathematics and generally studied in grade VII of tamilnadu education board. Here I am going to tell you the best way of how to solve math problems related to it.

The dimension can be defined as the minimum number of coordinates are used to specify a point in any shape or object. Therefore line is a one dimension shape because only one coordinate is required to specify a point in it. A rectangle is lies in a place or a surface has two dimensions because two coordinates are needed to specify a point in it and hence it has both length and breath. The cube has three dimensions because three coordinates are needed to specify a point in it and hence it has length, breath and depth.(Learn more about area of 2-d figures by clicking here)

Let's see some properties of 2-d and 3-d shapes with there examples:

  1. 2-d figures:

2-Dimension figures or shapes can be defined in the terms of length and breath or you can say length and height. 2d figures or shapes do not have their volume and depth.

Properties of 2-d figures:

    1. 2-d figures can only be expressed in terms of length and breath.
    2. We can't find the volume of 2-d figures.
    3. We can't assume the depth of 2-d figures.
    4. 2-d figures are flat and can be easily figure out on a paper.
    5. 2-d figures can also be called as plane figures.

Examples of 2-d figures:

      1. Square: A 2-d figure with four edges equal to each other and opposite sides are parallel to each other and also have 4 interior angles.
      2. Rectangle: A 2-d figure with four edges and opposite sides are parallel to each other and also have 4 interior angles.
      3. Pentagon: A 2-d figure with five edges and also have 5 interior angles.
      4. Parallelogram: A 2-d figure with four edges and opposite sides are parallel to each other.
      5. Triangle: A 2-d figure with 3 edges and also have 3 interior angles.
      6. Octagon: A 2-d figure with 8 edges and opposite sides are parallel to each other and also have 8 interior angles.
      7. Hexagon: A 2-d figure with six edges and opposite sides are pallel to each other and also have 6 interior angles.

      1. 3-d figures:

3-Dimension figures or shapes can be defined in the terms of length, breath and depth. 3d figures or shapes have their volume and depth.

Properties of 3-d figures:

    1. 3-d figures can be expressed in terms of length,breath and depth.
    2. We can find the volume of 3-d figures.
    3. We can assume the depth of 3-d figures.
    4. 3-d figures can be solid or hollow.

Examples of 3-d figures:

      1. Cube: 3-d figure with six faces equal to each otherin size.
      2. Hemisphere: 3-d figure equal to half of sphere.
      3. Cuboid: 3-d figure with six rectangular faces.
      4. Cylinder: 3-d figure with circles on each end.
      5. Cone: 3-d figure with circle at the base and vertex on the top.
      6. Sphere: 3-d figure with perfectly round shape and has only one curved face.
      7. Pyramid: 3-d figure with polygon at the base and triangle faces all around it.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
This is all about Properties of 2-d figures and 3-d figures of Grade VII and if anyone want to know about Tessellations and also about Sampling techniques then refer to Internet.


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