Saturday 21 July 2012

is pi a rational number

In the previous post we have discussed about Types of Angles and In today's session we are going to discuss about is pi a rational number. Before studying is pi a rational number, it is necessary to discuss about the rational and irrational. In mathematics, a number can be written in the fraction form or written in x/y (in ratio) are known as rational number. For example: 0.8 the number is rational because it is also written in the fraction form. So we can write it as 4/5. A real numbers which cannot be written in the fraction form or cannot be written in x/y form are known as irrational number. For example:  ’√2’ is not written in the ratios. So √2 is included in the categories of irrational number. In other word we can say that the numbers are not rational are included in irrational numbers categories.

Now we will see is pi a rational number? Using the definition of rational number and irrational number we can easily find that ‘pi’ is irrational number because it cannot be written in the form of x/y or in form of fraction.  We can easily compare any number by the definition of rational number and irrational number.  Suppose we have given some number 2.66, 5, 1.87, √2, 0.111, √3, √99, now find which number is rational number and which one is irrational number.
Using the definition of rational number and irrational number we can easily compare the given number. (know more about Rational number, here)
2.66 can be written as 8/3, so it is rational number. 1.87 can be written as 15/8 so it is also rational number. √2, √3 and √99 cannot be written in the fraction form so these numbers are irrational number. And 0.111 can be written as 1/9 so it is also a rational number. This is how we can find the number should be rational or irrational.
Now we will see the Unbalanced ForceUnbalanced forces are forces which produce a non-zero net force. Before entering in the iit examination hall please focus on iit question paper 2013. It is very beneficial for exam point of view.

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